Discover the Story
behind Imani Quinn
Imani is a multi-hyphenate Writer and Quantum Mystic Artist. With an upbringing filled with a colorful array of cultures; her godparents are from Chile and Kenya, she grew up training in traditional West African dance, and both her parents are artists working within music, dance, and visual arts. Imani's mother had a tea house, Fool's Paradise, for most of her upbringing. It gave Imani a curiosity for people, culture, tastes, and sounds. After graduating college with a Business Marketing and Spanish degree she left the Pacific NorthWest in 2011 and moved to Southern California where she currently resides.
Imani is an Author, with various bodies of work, most recognized for Astrology SOS with Hardie Grant Publishing. She's a contributing writer for Cosmopolitan and Mindbodygreen on spirituality, astrology and relationships, with multiple features in various publications including Well + Good, Instyle, PopSugar, Bustle and more.
Currently, you can find Imani in the dreamworld of storytelling writing for potential entertainment and tv projects.
She is also a Quantum Astrologer, with 15+ years experience within Quantum healing, western astrology, tarot divination, energy work, dream work, ritual magic (Candle, Earth, Moon etc) and ancestral work. She works with clients 1-1 and in her Quantum Journey Program.
In previous years Imani was a dance teacher and choreographer within the LAUSD school system. She had a multicultural clothing brand SWAJE, that she designed, manufactured and sold at craft fairs in Portland OR, San Fransisco and Los Angeles CA. One of SWAJE's conceptual fashion films was accepted and took her to the Fashion and Film Festival in Milan Italy. She was also the co-host of the spirituality and astrology podcast The Woke Mystix, host of the modern day mystic living podcast Modern Mystic Chronicles and co-host of the event series and astro-intuitive social club Dopamïne in Los Angeles that had activations at Neuehouse.
Most importantly Imani is a mystic artist whose artistry manifests as books, storytelling, performance art and quantum healing. Her work centers on elevating marginalized voices' and asks is humanity ready for a quantum reality?